| pic | pronounciation | meaning | 訴 |  | so, utta(eru) | sue, complain of (pain), appeal to | 促 |  | soku, unaga(su) | urge, stimulate, incite, quicken | 打 |  | da, u(tsu) | strike, shoot, clap (one's hands), impress | 奪 |  | datsu, uba(u) | take by force, deprive of, disposess | 討 |  | too, u(tsu) | attack, defeat, destroy, conquer | 動 |  | doo, ugo(ku), ugo(kasu) | move, operate, run, shift, change | 得 |  | toku, e(ru), u(ru) | profit, advantage, benefit, get, acquire, earn, gain | 内 |  | nai, dai, uchi | inside, interior, within, between | 馬 |  | ba, uma, ma | horse, stepladder | 売 |  | bai, u(ru), u(reru) | sell, deal in, deceive, be in demand |